The Sweet Chilli Chicken One- Grilled

The Sweet Chilli Chicken One Grilled – Wrap of the Day McDonalds

McDonald’s Wrap of the Day Friday and Sunday

The Sweet Chilli Chicken One- Grilled

Have a happy lunch with a wrap having Grilled Chicken, Cucumber, Cool Mayo, and Sweet Chilli Sauce all occupied in Hot Tortilla with the name of The Sweet Chilli Chicken One Grilled as the Wrap of the Day Friday and Sunday
  (Crispy & Grilled) 

Price £3.79

Ingredients in The Sweet Chilli Chicken One Grilled

Lettuce (9 KJ | 2Kcal)
Cucumber 18 KJ | 4 KCal
grilled chicken
Grilled chicken 383KJ |90Kcal
Tortilla (719KJ | 170Kcal)
Spicy Relish
Sweet Chilli Sauce 98 kJ | 23 kcal
Garlic Mayo
Garlic Mayo 253 kJ | 61 kcal

This Sweet Chillie Grilled flavored wrap is available as wrap of the day Friday and Sunday is a classic wrap with all the necessary ingredients. It contains freshly prepared Grilled chicken which is a great source of protein. Similarly, lettuce and cucumber pieces provide the necessary nutrition to this wrap. However, the salt and spicy relish may not suit someone’s interest. Therefore, you should keep in mind the ingredients report before you savour this item.


  • Egg
  • Mustard
  • Wheat

Nutritional Summary

 Energy        1966 KJ (23%RI)    469 KCal (23%RI)      Fat  18g (26%RI)   Saturated Fat   2.3g (12%RI)  

Sugars 6.7g (7%RI)   Salt 2.1g (34%RI)

Nutritional InformationPercentage Reference IntakePer Portion
Fats (g)26% RI 18
Of which saturated (g)12% RI 2.3
Carbohydrates (g)20% RI 52
Of which Sugar (g)7% RI 6.7
Protein (g)44% RI 4
Fibre (g)Nil22
Salt (g)34% RI 2.1

This wrap of the Sunday has proper amount of nutrients that are required by our body. The protein content is almost 44% of the daily intake and carbs, fats, and sugar are in their required proportion. Like other wraps, salt content in this wrap is also above the bar for most of the people.

Ingredients and Allergens Details

Grilled Chicken

Brown Sugar, Chicken Breast Meat, Natural Flavourings, Potato Starch, and Salt.

This grilled Chicken is prepared with both raw chicken and finished products. 106 grams of Raw Chicken and 100 grams of the finished product are used for preparing Grilled Chicken.

 Sweet Chilli Sauce

The sauce is made with a combination of ingredients that include; Acid (Citric Acid), Dried Chillies, Dried Red Bell Peppers, Garlic, Glucose-Fructose Syrup, Modified Maize Starch, Natural Paprika Flavouring, Potassium Sorbate (Preservative), Rapeseed Oil, Red Chillies, Salt, Spirit Vinegar, Sugar, Thickeners (Guar Gum, Xanthan Gum), Water, and White Wine Vinegar. 

Large Tortilla Wrap

Emulsifier (Mono- and Diglycerides of Fatty Acids), Glycerol (Humectant), Rapeseed Oil, Raising Agents (Disodium Diphosphate, Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate), Salt, Stabilizer (Carboxy Methyl Cellulose), Water, Wheat Fibre, Wheat Flour (contains Calcium Carbonate, Niacin, Iron, and Thiamin), Wheat Starch, Wholemeal Wheat Flour and Yeast.

 Garlic Mayo

  100% Garlic Mayo


 100% Lettuce


 100% Cucumber


Q. How many calories in the sweet chilli chicken one grilled?

The calories count in the Sweet Chilli Chicken One Grilled wrap is 320 Kcal. So, converting these calories into Joules, we have around 1347 KJ of energy from this warp. However, this amount of energy is considerably low as compared to other McDonald’s Wraps of the day. But still, it has around 16 % reference inatek of the energy that an adult perosn usually take in his daily routine. For your information, an adult person has an avergae intake of 2000 Kcal in a day.

Q. Is McDonald’ Junk Food?

The most popular food chain across the globe claims that its items are nutritious and healthy. However, the truth completely differs with it. Mostly, all the items on its menu, McDonald’s Wrap of the Day, Burgers, Drinks, and other eatery items, contain less vitamins and fibre. Howeevr, they carry more fats, carbs, and sugar. Therefore, it is ultimately a reason for increasing health issues among the people. 

Is it Okay to eat McDonald’s once a week?

For a short run, we can say that McDonal’s Food does not have any serious issues for health. However, we recommend you to eat the food that is more nutrituious and healthy fr your body. Most of the McDonald’s Items cotain large amounts of salts, sugar,and unhealthy compounds. Therefore, eating fast food carries more harm than benefits. 

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